Add To Google Calendar via ICS file

After you have downloaded the ics file (remember where you save it), go to your Google Calendar.

1. Click on the gear in the upper right corner near the drop down for showing the calendar in month, week, or day.

2. Then click on Settings.

3. Choose Import & Export from the left side menu.

4.Click on select file from your computer. Navigate to where you saved the ics file.

5. Choose the calendar you want to add it to.

6. Click Import.

7. Click Ok when it says import is complete.

8.Then click the arrow in the top left corner to return to your Google Calendar.

Add To Google Calendar via link

Click on the link that says "Add to Google Calendar" in the email you receive.

Your Google calendar will open (or ask you to sign in). It will show the event creation screen. Click on Save.

Add To Apple Calendar

1. Click on the button that says "Add To Apple Calendar" to download the ics file.

2. Once the file has downloaded, click on it to open.

3. Apple Calendar will open and ask if you want to add the event.

4. Click Ok.

Add To Microsoft Calendar

According to Microsoft Support, you can

1. Open Outlook, select File.

2. Then Open & Export.

3. The Import/Export.

4. In Import, select iCalendar (ics).

5. Select the ics file from the location you downloaded it to.

6. Select OK.

7. Select Open as New.

If you would like to view the video from Microsoft's Support, please click here.